Friday, September 30, 2016

Step Aside! Plump Disney Princess is squeezing their way in!! 小胖胖迪士尼公主來啦!

They are PLUMP,
they are GRACEFUL
 and they are WOMANLY

To be honest when this series started a year ago after some of my resentment that "I was never skinny! why the heck should all these people always draw these princess supper slim with tiny waist with big boobs and butt?"

說句實話,其實開始創作這系列的作品的原因是因為自己忌妒其他人苗條的身材. 我當時常想 "我從沒苗條過,憑甚麼大家總是畫身材凹凸有致的公主?"

Then I got over my stupid resentment and just happy to draw plump juicy princesses.

My inspiration for these plump princess are the art of Chinese Tang Dynasty. It was one of the dynasties in Chinese history that celebrate being fat, for fat means wealth!
If you look at the sculptures that were created during the era you'll realized though women and men are over weight there was always the element of elegance in them. The curves and shapes are soft and gracious.

我創作的啟發來自唐朝對於美女的定義, 於是我開始蒐徐唐朝的藝術品,尤其是人像. 不瞞您說,我從小就被稱唐朝美女呢,哈哈哈哈哈(哭)
this is actually a woman dressed as a man sculpture. 

These are men..actually, I can't tell. But the clothing are for men for sure.

Aren't they plump and cute? Most importantly they are graceful.


Modern culture has relate fat to negative thing. 

My stand point is there are differences between being just plain over weight and never exercise(me);
and people who are born with large frame. People ARE created with different shapes of body. Let's see the differences instead of cookie cutter standard size.
You can have a slim body but unhealthy for you eat junk and never exercise
or an over weight body that eat healthy and go on jugging every single day.

但事實上人們是天生擁有不同的體型和骨架. 有些人天生是雄壯威武,有些是纖細優雅. 那為什麼我們要用同意張藍圖來定義一個人呢?

純粹的肥胖跟天生骨架大是真的有區別. 比如我就只是肥胖而已. 但也有不少人士又瘦又肥. 也有又胖又健壯的!

But if you just plain fat like I am, just freaking admit it and change your life style. Be healthy is what matter.

如果你跟我一樣只是純粹肥胖因為不喜歡運動又愛吃的, 那你就好好的面對自己,改變自己的身活品質並開始做運動.別怪媒體總是以瘦唯美


and here are some older works (last year) of plump princesses and Maleficent

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