Monday, August 3, 2015

The Journey of Prince Charming 白馬王子的冒險旅程

Don't worry, girls, he IS on his way to you.


got the idea from a meme
"My prince is not coming on a white horse. He's obviously riding a turtle somewhere really confused."


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Once upon a doughnut tree. 從前有一棵甜甜圈樹

從前有一棵甜甜圈數. 傳說每當十二個圓滾滾的小孩滾過時就會下彩糖. 所以彩虹糖從沒停止下過

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Maleficent fatty style! 黑魔女肥滋滋風!

Maleficent fatty style. well, Chinese style grin emoticon Basically I'm going to make a lot of Disney princesses fat. Take it or leave it! No more skinny waist princesses because I ain't one of those.
cheers grin emoticon....Ignore the fact Maleficent is not a princess. Undoubtedly the original sleeping beauty Disney animation is a piece of art itself. I strongly encourage you guys to seek the animation out. Do it!
黑魔女肥滋滋風. 好啦,中國唐朝風. 幾本上呢,我將出一系列中國風肥滋滋迪士尼公主系列. 不喜歡的就迴避吧! 反小蠻腰公主! 誰說公主腰一定要細!如果有機會重看一次迪士尼睡美人的動畫,請一定要去看.那整部電影是藝術品呢

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

It's a rainy day, frog! 下雨吧, 阿蛙!

It has been raining for the past couple days but it feel like cozy autumn season :D

Monday, March 23, 2015

Once Upon of Time...很久很久以前....

傳說, 如果有一對小屁孩,一男一女, 剛好在樹下並且被肉丸子跟番茄醬淋到的話.


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Lady of Tang Dynasty 唐朝美人

what what? I can't believe I'm about to say this..but..."Stephanie proudly present....Pretty Lady of Tang Dynasty!"yes, I am actually proud of this.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015